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Xecuter Liteon DG-16D4S - Unlocked Replacement PCB

Xecuter Liteon DG-16D4S - Unlocked Replacement PCB

Xecuter Liteon DG-16D4S - Unlocked Replacement PCB
SKU 0225solution
Market price: $74.95
Our price: $54.95
Quantity Out of stock

Replaced by the 1.1 version: http://www.modchipcentral.com/store/product.php?productid=17811

There are a limited number of these being made right now by Team Xecuter and we have secured a small amount. Due to the huge price increases of the chips, the price has of course gone up. However, it has become quite clear just how important this product is and how valuable they have become.

Do you have a faulty Liteon DG-16D4S DVD in your Xbox 360 ? Are you swapping your drive to another console and are unable to program your firmware due to write protection being enabled ?

Team Xecuter have done it again with this custom made replacement PCB. Fits all DG-16D4S drive versions and allows you to reprogram your firmware to the board and then to set it to write protect to secure against any accidental firmware corruption / erasing.

  • Fits all Liteon DG-16D4S Drives
  • Fully compatible with 9504, 1071,  0225 and 0401 fw revisions
  • Write Protect enable / disable feature
  • Simply swap out the old board with your new board and you are good to go !
  • Easily programmable using the X360USB PRO or compatible SATA.

Note: All replacement boards are shipped blank. You must program your consoles correct firmware version and drive key.

This device is designed primarily to aid or assist in the repair or replacement of defective hardware and also for the use of and development of legal open source software. It does not enable any kind of piracy or have any code or any kind of microchip whatsoever that circumvents any kind of protection. It is a basic circuit of wires and diodes that is all. We do not support  nor encourage, if possible, potential infringements of others intellectual property rights - please do not contact us with any question related to this use as we will not respond. DO NOT use or buy this product if you are looking to perform any illegal activity.

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Customer Reviews

PCB kit works perfectly for me. can be programmed before installing in cd drive. the board is solderless but you still have to desolder 5 cables to screw them in the new board. solderless butt not dummyproof. great product if you have the skills to install it!

Author: Julien Theriault
No news available at the moment
Hey everyone. I've seen a lot of post pertaining to bad experiences with modchipcentral.com. You search the web and bad reviews are everywhere. I have always said that people will not hesitate to get on and leave a bad review when they have a bad experience. Very rarely does anyone with a good experience ever take the time to leave a review. Hence why you will always find 10 bad reviews for every one good one.

I wanted to share my experiences with this company. I actually placed my first ever order from mod supplies from this place. The very next day my son poured water on my console and needless to say fried the board. In this case I email modchipcentral and explained the situation. Without hesitation or questions or any trouble at all they quickly refunded my money and canceled my order. I call that a good experience right there in itself.

I've recently placed a couple other orders with them given that my primary vendor is closing shop. My both my orders were processed and shipped the very next business day. I sprung for the fedex faster shipping option which was great because the orders actually made it to me within 3 business days of modchipcentral handing it off to them. Not only was the shipping incredibly fast but they either made a mistake or just felt generous and gave me a bunch of extra qsbs and such that I didn't order. Don't expect that to happen to you though. I don't expect it to happen to me either.

A few days ago I was looking to place another order with them and was not to sure if I was ordering the right stuff. I called them up and got a very friendly knowledgeable gentleman to answer my questions accurately which saved me a bunch because I was in fact ordering the wrong stuff.

This is how I look at things. Stuff happens. Packages get damaged or lost everyday. Its not the vendors fault but most people want to blame the vendor. I see alot to that people get down right disrespectful when they dont get the answer they want or at the time that they want it. Thats a terrible way to handle things. If I was the vendor I would lock you out to. I'm sorry but thats just the way it is.

Treat your vendor with the same respect that you would expect to get and 9 times out of 10 they will go out of their way to make you happy.

To sum up, I have found www.modchipcentral.com to be a excellent vendor. I will not hesitate to order from them again.
Keep up the good work guys.
(Epic Console)

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